Monday, October 3

Journal 1: Chapter 1-3

Overall, these chapters acknowledged the different duties that a web designer has. Although, not all of them will be used, it is a great asset to learn them all. For example, using JavaScript is not a vital duty of a web designer. Programmers are often hired to take care of the scripting needs. It is good to know your interests in the field and slowly work toward learning as much as possible. The chapters gave examples of software and hardware to invest in. It is said that “[n]o company owns the Internet…”. Each website gets a domain name (for websites) which is how everyone will refer to the server. A computer  however holds an IP address that helps to identify its software.

How will learning a majority of the elements of multimedia design help me?
I will be able to create my own multimedia platforms for my film and production projects. I do believe it is better to know many different aspects of your industry/ field so that you will be able to lead and to be more innovative or independent.

What will you do to achieve your short term and long term goals with Multimedia design?
Currently, I plan on asking plenty of questions. I am a visual learner (which is ultimately why I chose this Masters program) so i believe that I will do well with reading the materials and watching videos about other people’s journey in the industry and their link to educational multimedia design to help inspire and guide me.